Access Softek Unveils YourChoice to Offer Community Financial Institutions

Access Softek Unveils YourChoice to Offer Community Financial Institutions
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Access Softek, a company that offers omnichannel digital banking, has unveiled EasyVest YourChoice, an integrated investment solution that enables users to trade stocks, fractional shares, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds from inside of a digital banking interface.

Chris Doner, founder, and CEO of Access Softek, said, “Access Softek’s EasyVest YourChoice solution places community financial institutions at the forefront of a major industry shift. Big banks previously dominated the wealth investment landscape, but we are confident that our technology will place the power in the hands of the institutions who understand their consumers’ financial needs best.”

With EasyVest YourChoice, banks and credit unions now have a way to access the $73 trillion investment market that is usually serviced by big national banks, Fintechs, and investment companies. By integrating with online and mobile banking applications and expanding and enhancing a financial institution’s current wealth management service, YourChoice gives community financial institutions a competitive edge over traditional financial institutions.

EasyVest YourChoice was developed by Access Softek to improve user digital engagement, keep current users, draw in new users (especially younger users), and offer convenient access to a multifunctional investment solution within a digital banking platform. EasyVest YourChoice is part of the Access Digital Investment Suite from Access Softek, which also includes EasyVest Automated, a robo-advisor solution, and EasyCoin, a crypto investment solution. The solutions can be used independently or as part of the larger Access Digital Investment Suite.

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